A thought-provoking piece. I love the way it challenges us not to assume a marriage is over "just" because the "in-love" feeling has gone. One idea (if the relationship is otherwise respectful and you're generally on the same page about the important things) is to commit to the life you've built together and to continue on building it, perhaps adjusting what it will look like in future. If you work well as life partners, it might not be necessary to throw it all away and you could share a different kind of happiness together. Just thinking out loud here!
thanks Julie, this is very wise. Definitely, a long and honest conversation about a shared future and the adjustments that might be needed could be positive for many couples. Too many put these conversations off until it's almost too late.
A thought-provoking piece. I love the way it challenges us not to assume a marriage is over "just" because the "in-love" feeling has gone. One idea (if the relationship is otherwise respectful and you're generally on the same page about the important things) is to commit to the life you've built together and to continue on building it, perhaps adjusting what it will look like in future. If you work well as life partners, it might not be necessary to throw it all away and you could share a different kind of happiness together. Just thinking out loud here!
thanks Julie, this is very wise. Definitely, a long and honest conversation about a shared future and the adjustments that might be needed could be positive for many couples. Too many put these conversations off until it's almost too late.